Sunday, April 06, 2008

Syzmanski updates grand slam list

Here's the list of grand slams surrendered by the Biscuits.

May 21: Mobile's Nick Trzesniak, off Jose Diaz, eighth inning
July 3: Birmingham's Josh Fields, off Brian Lockwood, third inning
July 17: Jacksonville's Sergio Garcia, off Brian Henderson, seventh inning, at Riverwalk
April 15: Jacksonville's Craig Brazell (Montgomery native), off Chris Flinn, first inning
Aug. 6: Mississippi's Josh Burrus, off Josh Kranawetter, eighth inning, at Riverwalk
April 9: West Tenn's Brent Johnson, off Mike Prochaska, first inning, at Riverwalk
May 2: Mississippi's Josh Burrus, off Chris Seddon, fourth inning, at Riverwalk
June 8: Mobile's Javier Brito, off Chris Mason, first inning
Sept. 1: Jacksonville's Blake DeWitt, off Jake McGee, first inning
Sunday: Chattanooga's B.J. Szymanski, off Jeremy Flanagan, eighth inning, at Riverwalk

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