Sunday, February 03, 2008

Super Bowl commercials ... second half

I'm back with more non-baseball drivel, the second-half commercials from Super Bowl XLII. In a cross-programming note, ESPN had ice skating, TBS had "The Wedding Planner" and Spike had an eating contest on at halftime.

All ads available at

First break (after Giants' punt) -- Witch doctor, shrinking head? Solid follow-up to the circle of death. -- Once again, a better commercial than the first offering. Where were the pandas two hours ago?
Vitamin water -- Poor horse, solid effort. Shaq wins the race, the kid picks his nose and Shaq's competition whacks him on the butt.

Second break (during Pats' challenge)
Bud Light -- Wheel suck? Bottle opener suck? Well, so does the commercial.
Ice Cubes -- Carmen Electra? Still pleasant on the eyes -- I saw her in "Meet the Spartans" last week -- but she's no longer a major-leaguer. She was back in the day (link to hilarious movie safe for work).
Terminator -- I'm just putting this in so I can use another Summer Glau photo. Yum.

Third break (after Pats turn it over on downs)
Car commercial -- I dozed off. It was that boring. Sorry.
WALL-E movie -- Was the robot doing something unnatural to that vacuum? That trailer has been out way too long.

Fourth break (after Giants' punt)
Jumper movie -- Another trailer that I've seen too much, but it does lead us to a question well, well worth pondering: Glau or Rachel Bilson? Acting ability, of course.
E*Trade -- Wow, they made a baby talk. Consider me less than impressed.
Bud Light -- Wasn't motivated by the flight of fancy.

Sixth break (after first play of fourth quarter)
Sunsilk?? -- More music.
Coca-Cola -- Never fear, Underdog is here. I fully expected the Coke bottle to be pulled from Charlie Brown's grasp. Admit it, you did, too.

Seventh break (after Giants' touchdown)
Coca-Cola -- James Carville v. Bill Frist? I kept waiting for more fireworks.
Toyota -- Nothing special.

Eighth break (after ensuing kickoff)
Zohan movie -- Highly anticipating that one, seriously. The Mossad should make for fine entertainment.

Ninth break (after Pats' punt)
E*Trade -- "Look Who's Talking Too?"
Taco Bell -- Yo necisito comer.
Gatorade -- Scruffie really liked his drink.

10th break (after another punt)
ABA/Bud Light movie -- That movie shall be seen.
Hyundai -- Not big on cars.
Chad Johnson -- Probably thinks he deserves his own commercial.

11th break (two-minute warning)
Victoria's Secret -- Yowza, yowza, yowza.
some sports drink -- Salt 'N Pepa's "Push It." Yet more memories.

Final score: Giants 17, Patriots 14.
Before the game, a friend said he just hoped it was worth watching in the fourth quarter. It was.

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