Friday, September 20, 2013

Biscuits release 2014 promotional schedule

The Biscuits released their promotional schedule today. Since you've surely seen the full schedule, here are the promotional highlights ...

5: Girl Scouts Camporee
7: Grand Slam School Day (10:35 a.m. start)
19: Easter at the Park
22: Grand Slam School Day (10:35 a.m. start)
30: Grand Slam School Day (10:35 a.m. start)

2: Boy Scouts Camporee
9: Myron Noodleman
23: "premium giveaway" (guessing a bobblehead or figurine)
24: pregame team autograph session
31: "Duck Dynasty's" Mountain Man appearance

9: Business Lunch Special (11:05 a.m. start)
20: pregame concert

19: Star Wars Night

8: "premium giveaway" (another bobblehead or figurine)
9: pregame team autograph session
28: apocalyptic "Auburn/Alabama Night"
29: Charities Night

1: Fan Appreciation "Night" (12:05 p.m. start)

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